Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Photo Fun Day

I edited 10 photos and these are my favorite 5. I used http://www.dumpr.net/ to edit them.
This is when I met Roshon Fegan at a Mexican Fiesta.

 My picture in a poster frame in New York.

This is a picture of my mom blob.

North Rubiks Cube.

This is my dog Snowball turned into a puzzle.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is hurtful. It causes pain to the victim. Once a person is told something over and over again they begin to think it is true. If and when cyber bullying goes to far, a person can and possibly will hurt them selves on purpose. If the victim of cyber bulling does commit suicide not only they were hurt but their family has to live with that pain the rest of their life. It is just a domino efect of pain. even though the bullying does not take place in school the person can still be punished for what they did.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I learned how to put music to pictures as well as put captions on the pictures. (in h-drive)