Monday, August 20, 2012

Reflection of Summer

Over the summer I didn't do much other stay home and go down my uncles house a few weekends. I was supposed to go out of town twice but both of those trips got canceled. My birthday is over the summer. For that I went to the pool with my uncle and went out to eat but that's all i did. We also went to my cousins house for the Forth of July. Some 10 years old started 3 fires because the were being dumb and didn't know how to light off fireworks. I also got my tonsils taken out. OUCH!!! It took me a while to recover.My family reunion was this summer. It was so funn!! I got to see my cousins that I never get to see. I had a sand fight with one of my cousins. So that was basically my summer. Sit, watch tv, spend time with family, have surgery, recover from surgery, and of course pray that summer wouldn't end......

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